Latest News At any given time we have hundreds of search dogs and dog handlers operating in many
countries around the globe Keep a check on our latest news stories and events here.
Latest News

At any given time we have hundreds of search dogs and dog handlers operating in many
countries around the globe Keep a check on our latest news stories and events here.

May 2022

A busy few months with lots of dogs, a new member to the team and some new puppies. We have 8 dogs headed out this month, 6 overseas and the remaining staying in the UK. We have a new Trainer joining the team. Lynden a former Military Dog Trainer [...]


July update

On the 1st of July we were greeted with the award of extension on our current United Nations (UN) contract in East Africa. We have been supplying EDDs to the region for the past 5 years to help identify and track the movement of WMD and secure UN compounds. [...]

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